


Being clever by half and concealing the truth to deceive the unsuspecting publics, one John Agbo (John Lead) took to social media to misyarn about the recent arrest of Bar. Ifeanyi Ogenyi, by the security agents, but refused to disclose the alleged offence that led to his arrest.

Well, it would be recalled that before now, Mr. Ikem Okuhu, a strong and well known Nsukka labourers’ social media goon was the one who first raised a false alarm and made public in his baseless article the arrest of Bar. Ogenyi over the fabrication and peddling of the smearing video titled “Ego Ndi Enugu”.

In the article, Okuhu whipped up sentiments by trying to accuse the Enugu PDP governorship candidate, Mr. Peter Mbah and his running mate, Bar. Ifeanyi Ossai of intimidating Bar. Ogenyi with security agents for fabricating and peddling the concocted video titled “Ego Ndi Enugu”

It is not surprising that another Nsukka labourers’ social media brat, John Agbo has toed Okuhu’s path of being emotional and sentimental, instead of being factual in addressing a serious issue of libelous offence against Bar. Ogenyi.

This is typical of the Nsukka labourers and their social media e-rats that specialise in manufacturing and spewing falsehoods and lies against Bar. Mba, Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi and PDP candidates for not supporting their preferred PDP governorship aspirant, Bar. Chijioke Edeoga to emerge PDP governorship candidate.

What the Nsukka labourers, their cohorts and sponsors failed to realise is that no amount of social media emotions, propaganda and blackmail will deter the security agents and judiciary from carrying out their functions on the petition that led to the arrest of Bar. Ogenyi.

The matter is very simple and straightforward. There is nothing intimidating or harassing about it. Bar. Ogenyi cannot beat a child and stop him from crying. If a lawyer who ought to know better can engage in libelous act, I wonder what a layman will do. The onus lies on Bar. Ogenyi to substantiate beyond reasonable doubt in court that as contained in the smearing video titled “Ego Ndi Enugu” which he allegedly fabricated and peddled on social media that the content is factual, which is that Bar. Mba’s Pinnacle Oil and Gas Ltd was built with funds stolen from Enugu State government coffers. Anything contrary to the above is a story for the gods and Bar. Ogenyi’s tortuous journey to jail may be inevitable.

Unfortunately, John Agbo in his fantasies in the article continued to level the same baseless and unfounded allegations of corruption and criminal acts against Bar. Mba without any evidence. This is not different from what Agbo’s paymaster, Bar. Edeoga and his social media bandits fabricated and peddled before the PDP primaries and have been propagating and purveying since after the governorship primary that Bar. Edeoga lost to Bar. Mba before jumping to Labour Party. People know that it is the same tales by moonlight, and Mama Ngozi’s stories with her neighbour’s in the compound. Nothing new, nothing evidential or substantial.

If all these unfounded allegations of judicial indictment, plea bargain, corruption and campaign of calumny against Bar. Mba are true as Nsukka labourers and their social media urchins want the public to believe, why didn’t they approach the courts with evidences to nail Bar. Mba and stop him from contesting the election? Why the incessant social media blackmails and trials of Bar. Mba, when they can prosecute and convict him in court with evidence, if there is any or they have any?

Bar. Mba had on several occasions challenged his social media traducers to provide incontrovertible evidence of his indictment by court or plea bargain to escape justice. More than two months, Bar. Edeoga, Nsukka labourers and their social media hirelings are yet to produce any, rather they are still recycling, rehashing and regurgitating the same old allegations in different formats to attract undue attention and sympathy.

The labourers and their social media bandits, who have no criminal evidence against Bar. Mba are of the erroneous belief and false optimism that they will destroy Bar. Mba’s impeccable character and trackrecord through social media mudslingings that are of no effect.

As can be seen and contrary to John Agbo’s postulation in his article that the only thing Bar. Mba is campaigning with is his ownership of Pinnacle Oil and Gas Ltd, that is not true. Dissecting media reports and video footages of Mba’s campaign tours to 467 autonomous communities, 260 wards and 68 development centres, Bar. Mba never campaigned with his ownership of the Pinnacle Oil and Gas Ltd, rather he engaged the people on the contents of his unveiled manifesto and work plan for Ndi Enugu that will further better their lots. Bar. Mba passionately interfaced and listened to the requests and challenges of different people and communities at the grassroots and assured them of his government’s readiness to address them adequately if elected.

Unlike the Nsukka labourers and their candidate, Bar. Edeoga, whose only campaign manifesto and agenda for Ndi Enugu is to castigate and malign Bar. Mba, Governor Ugwuanyi and PDP in all their gatherings, Bar. Mba has never mentioned, castigated or maligned any opposition candidate in any of his campaign outings. That is the mark of a man of honour and focus.

Bar. Mba is focused in his campaigns and work plan for Ndi Enugu which he has continued to market to the people with ease and sincerity. He is niether distracted nor daunted by the Nsukka labourers’ social media rantings and misyarnings about him and his party.

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