Eze Nnaemeka
Opposition leaders have a dubious and inelegant role of holding their followers spellbound, stupefied, hoping, dreaming and savouring victory that only resides in their wanton imagination. They apply the art perfected by mesmers, magicians, enchanters and charmers to tighten the noose around the necks of those fellas. And they are succeeding. Yes, Satan succeeded in convincing two third of the Angels of heaven to see things his own way and they did.
This is exactly the task before Chijioke Edeoga who rather than eat the sour grapes of defeat served him by Dr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah in the just concluded Governorship election. He has been going around plucking the thinking faculty of labour party members by claiming that he was given the mandate to govern by the people of Enugu, claiming as is expected that he will do everything in his capacity to wrestle back the mantle given to him. And his enchanted herds ignobly chant and chorus Victory. It does not matter to them that their war General; our latest Omalinze the Cat of Mgbuji Eha Amufu has limbs as flabby and weakly as those limbs of a drunken mosquito.
A certain shepherdman Iyioku stated that while addressing his supporters at Udenu Local Government, Hon. Barr. Chijioke Jonathan Edeoga “made it crystal clear that the mandate Enugu people gave him freely is non negotiable as there is no retreat, no surrender”. The question to ask is: Which mandate is he talking about? If not that his dazed audience are already soaked stupor in the pot of akpeteshie of lies he brews to hold them together, they would have come to terms with the fact that the only thing which confers a mandate to a candidate is being declared winner by the supervising and authorized agency and handed over a certificate of Return. Edeoga has none of these. So where is he drawing his nauseating inspiration and voluptuous appetite for oddities? Of course from the motivation to herd his followers into a point where they would have no option than to savour victory in the imagination. Perpetual bondage. That is the sport of charlatans and mesmers who dot the landscape of opposition party in the state.
Taking his ridiculous gambit a bit further he added “This is to tell PDP Enugu State to stop sending Sullivan Chime and Jim Nwobodo for any stupid and hypocritical peace talk because you can’t be talking about peace in the face of injustice. LP Enugu are more interested in justice than the fake peace gospel Jim and Sullivan preach with utmost bad faith”. Taking justice is a necessity but not from the mouth of a man alleged to have dispossed hapless local women of Mgbuji of their husbands ancestral land, threatening fire and brimstone. A man to whom justice is all about nourishing his vaulting ambition in utter disregard for other persons genuine aspiration and fair interest.
But of course how else will he convince his followers that he has a good case and that he will in a blink of an eye wrestle the Governorship ticket from Dr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah than by claiming that Jim Nwobodo and Sullivan Chime have been deployed to by PDP to convince him to accept the outcome of the election. Yes, Jim and Sullivan command impressive resume as two former Governors and statesmen and so Chijioke knows the import of validating his claim to a mandate by mentioning their names. The unsuspecting and unschoooled in the art of brazen falsehood and name dropping will easily flap wings and fly to high heavens in celebration that Edeoga really has a good case. His job and goal of cementing his people in the orgy of Ebeano Ka Ano is succeeding.
No wonder one of his most annoying and bullish followers has the temerity to address him as “My Governor Elect” while he sits gloating and bloating like an oversized pumpkin.
Well… he aren’t coming. He is suffering from Priapism. Delayed ejaculation.